Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Dinner of French Onion Soup

Tonight marked our first dinner party on the Fast.  To be fair, it was just us and my mom, but that doesn't make it any less of a party.  We toasted the Fast and the wonderful opportunity of week-day dinners together.

It all started because of one of Greg's wild cravings.  Anyone who doesn't know this about Greg, well, I guess it's public knowledge now-they come and can't be ignored until satisfied.  A few months ago Wendy's was all Greg wanted.  The craving didn't die until he brought home a junior bacon cheese burger, a spicy chicken sandwich, fries and a frosty. 

This week, the craving was set on french onion soup.  I whole heartily believe this is a better craving than Wendy's (though, I must admit, I do love french fries dunked in an ice cold frosty).  So, I indulged him, figuring a big vat of onion soup had to be fairly cost effective. 

Knowingly serving french onion soup and not calling my mother would be, well, a dangerous move. She adores french onion soup, can't resist ordering it if it's on the menu and spent a good portion of her first visit to France in 1971 looking for "french" onion soup.  Needless to say, she didn't find quite what she was looking for...c'est la vie!

Over the weekend I bought beautiful onions at Eastern Market.  While we usually make our own veggie stock, beef stock is not a staple in our freezer, so I bought some while out at the Market, too. Today Greg grabbed fresh herbs, wine and cheese and baked up two beautiful loves of fresh bread. 

Greg's version of the classic came from Best Recipes. Onion-y, not too sweet, lots of fresh herbs and the right balance of fat in the brown broth.  Served in hand made bowls (thanks to yours truly), covered in fresh toast and slightly burnt Swiss cheese, it was decadent.

 All totaled, I think our soup was about $2.50/serving, which sounds steep for a vegetable soup.  Maybe my conversion is off?  Or, maybe it was the wine and cheese. TBD.  Anyway, it supplied a spectacular meal for this evening and lunch for tomorrow. We even sent some leftovers home with my mom- think she'll share?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing! Erik feels similarly to your mother about French onion soup. Send me the recipe??
