Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A short introduction

This may be a bit late to kick off a year long project, but we were busy so this will just have to do.

All of this started with an idea--to lead a more unencumbered life. In pursuit of that goal, Meg and I have tried to figure out ways to be happier and more content. Forgoing a television, hiking more, recipe hunting. We recognized that this things make us happy, therefore we need to do them.

Yet we were constantly bothered by our monetary debts. We saw ourselves make poor choices, purchasing when we shouldn't have. Perfectly okay when you don't owe money to someone, but in our case we did. This led Meg to discover a blog called And Then We Saved.  Blog founder Anna Newell Jones managed to erase about $23,000 of debt in 15 months with the Spending Fast and Spending Diet.  Visit her site to learn more about the Spending Fast and her experience in living thrifty.

Our goal is a bit different, between the both of us we have $41,000 in combined school loans and credit card debt as of this moment.  Hopefully by the end of this year, that number will be significantly smaller.  We are writing this blog as a way to hold ourselves accountable to ourselves and to also share with everyone we know and love what we are doing.  To that end, we apologize well in advance for missing dinners, drinks, presents, and vacations.  On that note, we know that there are exceptions coming down the pike (we have a plan, we swear).  We are still going be our normal selves, our crazy foolish selves, just on a stricter budget.

So we look forward to everything everyone has to say, comment, rant, agree, disagree, or observe.  We really want ways to entertain ourselves (and you!) on the cheap.  So all you in the DC area, we need some help in that department.  In effort to keep this first post short, we'll leave it there.  More details and exactly how we are going to do this to follow.


Meg and Greg

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic! I can't wait to read all about your "fast"! I was telling my mother about it and she is now totally inspired and will not be buying any clothing in 2013. Keep up the blogging!
