Friday, January 4, 2013

Action Plan! Away!

Okay, short and sweet.  This is how we do it (queue song).

These are the things we find necessary:

1. Rent
2. DC public transportation
3. Our portable telephones
4. Our interwebs
5. Electricity and gas
6. On-line movies
7. On-line yoga instruction
8. Medication
9. Laundry
10. Food for our faces

Any special occasions will be adjudicated upon and we will do our best.  Otherwise, you're getting a homemade gift.  The thought, as they say, is what counts.  Knit pom-pom hats for everybody!

In future blog posts we'll be giving (hopefully) weekly updates.  Here's our first, though we must admit we got off to a slightly rocky start.

We arrived home late on the 30th and didn't go grocery shopping...both Meg and I spent a little bit on eating out January 1.  Damn. We remedied the situation and are munching on fresh veggies, fruits and the multitude of grains in our larder.

Meg got a new job this month and was lucky enough to get some Christmas clothing.  Needless to say, her new job requires new shoes.  Don't ask me, I don't understand.  However, upon consideration it was deemed worthy if she took the money out of her savings account.  Bending the rules, right?  It slides this time.  I'm sure she'll put pictures of herself in them up somewhere.

My bike didn't want to go down the street and needed a new back wheel.  I spent 70 bucks and an hour watching the guy fix it up.  I know now how to fix a back wheel and feel confident that I will be able to do more and more repairs on our bikes myself.

Beyond that, we are full steam ahead with this.  Or, more accurately, we are sitting in our apartment, sober and writing a blog post on a Friday night.  Ain't responsibility awesome?


  1. I love you guys and support you 100%! I for one have been thoroughly enjoying my homemade gifts! They are keeping me warm and clean and smelling pretty. Miss you.

  2. Hooray!

    Re: the new job, I've had good luck with a combination of Payless and Dr. Scholl's insoles. My favorite pair of heels (the purple ones that I'm about to retire because they're so busted up) were $10 :)
